I was born to dare,
to stare fear in the face,
to stand at the turn of the tide.
to stare fear in the face,
to stand at the turn of the tide.
To reach a hand to those who hide,
to shed a tear for those who cry.
to shed a tear for those who cry.
Born for those bleeding inside,
needing a dry eye,
to bandage the wounded,
needing a dry eye,
to bandage the wounded,
and welcome the excluded,
clarify the polluted
and testify for the disputed.
clarify the polluted
and testify for the disputed.
Darin to hold back those
on the edge of a cliff,
givin the gift
to forgive and to lift.
on the edge of a cliff,
givin the gift
to forgive and to lift.
To transform the norm
to be the lighthouse in the storm,
to be the lighthouse in the storm,
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