Inspired by, "A Man of Sorrows"

Greetings friend, welcome to my blog.
My name is Elizabeth,
I posted some of my writings here that have been inspired by and written for prisoners, orphans, veterans and to anyone, anywhere, who is hurting or suffering in some way. 
 It is my hope to inspire you to discover just how great God's love is for you personally.  Jesus experienced more suffering than anyone on earth ever has. He was all alone. He knows exactly what you are going through. He was  "...a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief"(Is.53:3). 
Jesus did not come to earth as a king. He was not a pastor in a three piece suit with a weekly sermon nor did He meet with "good" people for an hour on Sundays. 
Jesus was a Servant, He was homeless. He was rejected.  
He says, "I did not come to call the 'righteous' but the sinners.."(Mark.2:17). 
 He sought out the broken, the outcasts, the rejects and the despised in order "to bring good news to the bind up the brokenhearted"(Is.61:1)" 
Jesus is  searching you out. He knows your name. He sees all the details of your situation. No matter what you have done, He offers complete forgiveness. He loves you and is with you in your suffering and sorrow.
He chooses that which is "nothing" and the "base things" of the world to shame the wise.
Power is perfected in weakness (1Cor.1:27/2Cor.12:9)
Time races by. Life is so very tragic.  I have seen death first hand. It asks for no one's permission and leaves no explanation. It is final.  
You have a gift. It is called today. Don't waste it. God is real. God is good.  Take courage. Lift up your head.  Awaken to the light. Find real answers in the Scriptures. Dare to believe in Jesus. He is  listening. He wants to help you. Have the grit to talk directly to Him. 

                                                        His understanding would blow you away.  

Inspired by, "A Man of Sorrows"

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