Caught in the Crossfire

Caught in the crossfire  
between heaven and earth, 
I hear bullets flying, soldiers fighting, 
children hiding mothers crying 
innocence dying. 

Diving for cover not wanting to suffer 
the wounds of regret, losing their breath,
 not able to forget the scars of death 
that bled into their psyche.

Wound so tightly while walking blindly,
 taking aim not knowing who to blame,
but full of disdain for the things they can’t explain. 

Stuck in their brain is yesterday
 trying to find a pathway through their sorrow,
 begging to borrow just the courage to live tomorrow.

Out of the shadows will come their future,
 the reach of their Rescuer,
The Father’s  Prime mover
His only Beloved.

His armor 
to shield and to cover,
sitting along with them in the gutter,
in utter disaster bringing
 them love and laughter
bring light to the back alley.

Lift them up to carry,
from the dark valleys.
To Heal and help like no other,


“Take courage, don't fear now,

Your Brother is near now,

 and He will be your Hero”.


(Inspired by waking up to gunfire in a nearby
favela in Brazil)

"Who executes justice for the oppressed;
Who gives food to the hungry.
The Lord sets the prisoners free.
The Lord opens the eyes of the blind;
The Lord raises up those who are bowed down;
The Lord loves the righteous;
The Lord protects the strangers;
He supports the fatherless and the widow".

Caught in the Crossfire

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