I have a hand...

The Father calls...

"I have a hand to lift you when you're
and an ear to hear you when you're

When you are turning and tossing
I have the song to calm you,
and the balm to heal you,
the meal to feed you,
antd the place to meet you.

The arms beneath you,
the light to precede you,
the hope to ever greet you,
the strength to always exceed you.

When you let go or don't know,
want to throw a blow
or just feel so low,
raise your cup 
for I  will yet lift you up. 

I will show you the perspective of eternal life,
make you effective and receptive
 keep you always protected.
As your soul is well rested under My wings.

All things can be defeated
when your will is wielded yet yielded,
you will be shielded by My hand, 
understand I will forever take you home 
and no matter what you are never alone".


I have a hand...

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