Dear Freedom

Dear Freedom:

Why did you turn your back on me?

You left me tied and sinking deep,

weeping tears write my pain in ink.

Linking the chains that bind my soul, 

is the regret of a life I will never know.

Though you throw away my given hope,

 you ignore the sound of my lonely groan.

Dear Prisoner:

I did not cast you down to drown or leave you dry,

You silenced my voice with your insolent cry.

Denying my hand to pull you through,

 not allowing me to fulfill 

what I was created to do.

As you were there standing in the dark

I was holding the keys to unlock your heart.

I will be the friend never to depart

for it is the past that holds you tight 

and keeps you bound in your internal fight,

for in the end, I don't condemn 

but I promise I to set you free again.

I am Freedom I turn my back to no one, 

but when you  have me,

what kind of person will you become?


(Inspired by meeting prisoners who yearn for freedom
and those who have it but take it for granite 

Dear Freedom

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